import {Slice, Fragment, NodeRange, NodeType, Node, Mark, Attrs, ContentMatch} from "prosemirror-model" import {Transform} from "./transform" import {ReplaceStep, ReplaceAroundStep} from "./replace_step" function canCut(node: Node, start: number, end: number) { return (start == 0 || node.canReplace(start, node.childCount)) && (end == node.childCount || node.canReplace(0, end)) } /// Try to find a target depth to which the content in the given range /// can be lifted. Will not go across /// [isolating](#model.NodeSpec.isolating) parent nodes. export function liftTarget(range: NodeRange): number | null { let parent = range.parent let content = parent.content.cutByIndex(range.startIndex, range.endIndex) for (let depth = range.depth;; --depth) { let node = range.$from.node(depth) let index = range.$from.index(depth), endIndex = range.$to.indexAfter(depth) if (depth < range.depth && node.canReplace(index, endIndex, content)) return depth if (depth == 0 || node.type.spec.isolating || !canCut(node, index, endIndex)) break } return null } export function lift(tr: Transform, range: NodeRange, target: number) { let {$from, $to, depth} = range let gapStart = $from.before(depth + 1), gapEnd = $to.after(depth + 1) let start = gapStart, end = gapEnd let before = Fragment.empty, openStart = 0 for (let d = depth, splitting = false; d > target; d--) if (splitting || $from.index(d) > 0) { splitting = true before = Fragment.from($from.node(d).copy(before)) openStart++ } else { start-- } let after = Fragment.empty, openEnd = 0 for (let d = depth, splitting = false; d > target; d--) if (splitting || $to.after(d + 1) < $to.end(d)) { splitting = true after = Fragment.from($to.node(d).copy(after)) openEnd++ } else { end++ } tr.step(new ReplaceAroundStep(start, end, gapStart, gapEnd, new Slice(before.append(after), openStart, openEnd), before.size - openStart, true)) } /// Try to find a valid way to wrap the content in the given range in a /// node of the given type. May introduce extra nodes around and inside /// the wrapper node, if necessary. Returns null if no valid wrapping /// could be found. When `innerRange` is given, that range's content is /// used as the content to fit into the wrapping, instead of the /// content of `range`. export function findWrapping( range: NodeRange, nodeType: NodeType, attrs: Attrs | null = null, innerRange = range ): {type: NodeType, attrs: Attrs | null}[] | null { let around = findWrappingOutside(range, nodeType) let inner = around && findWrappingInside(innerRange, nodeType) if (!inner) return null return (around!.map(withAttrs) as {type: NodeType, attrs: Attrs | null}[]) .concat({type: nodeType, attrs}).concat( } function withAttrs(type: NodeType) { return {type, attrs: null} } function findWrappingOutside(range: NodeRange, type: NodeType) { let {parent, startIndex, endIndex} = range let around = parent.contentMatchAt(startIndex).findWrapping(type) if (!around) return null let outer = around.length ? around[0] : type return parent.canReplaceWith(startIndex, endIndex, outer) ? around : null } function findWrappingInside(range: NodeRange, type: NodeType) { let {parent, startIndex, endIndex} = range let inner = parent.child(startIndex) let inside = type.contentMatch.findWrapping(inner.type) if (!inside) return null let lastType = inside.length ? inside[inside.length - 1] : type let innerMatch: ContentMatch | null = lastType.contentMatch for (let i = startIndex; innerMatch && i < endIndex; i++) innerMatch = innerMatch.matchType(parent.child(i).type) if (!innerMatch || !innerMatch.validEnd) return null return inside } export function wrap(tr: Transform, range: NodeRange, wrappers: readonly {type: NodeType, attrs?: Attrs | null}[]) { let content = Fragment.empty for (let i = wrappers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (content.size) { let match = wrappers[i].type.contentMatch.matchFragment(content) if (!match || !match.validEnd) throw new RangeError("Wrapper type given to Transform.wrap does not form valid content of its parent wrapper") } content = Fragment.from(wrappers[i].type.create(wrappers[i].attrs, content)) } let start = range.start, end = range.end tr.step(new ReplaceAroundStep(start, end, start, end, new Slice(content, 0, 0), wrappers.length, true)) } export function setBlockType(tr: Transform, from: number, to: number, type: NodeType, attrs: Attrs | null) { if (!type.isTextblock) throw new RangeError("Type given to setBlockType should be a textblock") let mapFrom = tr.steps.length tr.doc.nodesBetween(from, to, (node, pos) => { if (node.isTextblock && !node.hasMarkup(type, attrs) && canChangeType(tr.doc, tr.mapping.slice(mapFrom).map(pos), type)) { // Ensure all markup that isn't allowed in the new node type is cleared tr.clearIncompatible(tr.mapping.slice(mapFrom).map(pos, 1), type) let mapping = tr.mapping.slice(mapFrom) let startM =, 1), endM = + node.nodeSize, 1) tr.step(new ReplaceAroundStep(startM, endM, startM + 1, endM - 1, new Slice(Fragment.from(type.create(attrs, null, node.marks)), 0, 0), 1, true)) return false } }) } function canChangeType(doc: Node, pos: number, type: NodeType) { let $pos = doc.resolve(pos), index = $pos.index() return $pos.parent.canReplaceWith(index, index + 1, type) } /// Change the type, attributes, and/or marks of the node at `pos`. /// When `type` isn't given, the existing node type is preserved, export function setNodeMarkup(tr: Transform, pos: number, type: NodeType | undefined | null, attrs: Attrs | null, marks: readonly Mark[] | undefined) { let node = tr.doc.nodeAt(pos) if (!node) throw new RangeError("No node at given position") if (!type) type = node.type let newNode = type.create(attrs, null, marks || node.marks) if (node.isLeaf) return tr.replaceWith(pos, pos + node.nodeSize, newNode) if (!type.validContent(node.content)) throw new RangeError("Invalid content for node type " + tr.step(new ReplaceAroundStep(pos, pos + node.nodeSize, pos + 1, pos + node.nodeSize - 1, new Slice(Fragment.from(newNode), 0, 0), 1, true)) } /// Check whether splitting at the given position is allowed. export function canSplit(doc: Node, pos: number, depth = 1, typesAfter?: (null | {type: NodeType, attrs?: Attrs | null})[]): boolean { let $pos = doc.resolve(pos), base = $pos.depth - depth let innerType = (typesAfter && typesAfter[typesAfter.length - 1]) || $pos.parent if (base < 0 || $pos.parent.type.spec.isolating || !$pos.parent.canReplace($pos.index(), $pos.parent.childCount) || !innerType.type.validContent($pos.parent.content.cutByIndex($pos.index(), $pos.parent.childCount))) return false for (let d = $pos.depth - 1, i = depth - 2; d > base; d--, i--) { let node = $pos.node(d), index = $pos.index(d) if (node.type.spec.isolating) return false let rest = node.content.cutByIndex(index, node.childCount) let overrideChild = typesAfter && typesAfter[i + 1] if (overrideChild) rest = rest.replaceChild(0, overrideChild.type.create(overrideChild.attrs)) let after = (typesAfter && typesAfter[i]) || node if (!node.canReplace(index + 1, node.childCount) || !after.type.validContent(rest)) return false } let index = $pos.indexAfter(base) let baseType = typesAfter && typesAfter[0] return $pos.node(base).canReplaceWith(index, index, baseType ? baseType.type : $pos.node(base + 1).type) } export function split(tr: Transform, pos: number, depth = 1, typesAfter?: (null | {type: NodeType, attrs?: Attrs | null})[]) { let $pos = tr.doc.resolve(pos), before = Fragment.empty, after = Fragment.empty for (let d = $pos.depth, e = $pos.depth - depth, i = depth - 1; d > e; d--, i--) { before = Fragment.from($pos.node(d).copy(before)) let typeAfter = typesAfter && typesAfter[i] after = Fragment.from(typeAfter ? typeAfter.type.create(typeAfter.attrs, after) : $pos.node(d).copy(after)) } tr.step(new ReplaceStep(pos, pos, new Slice(before.append(after), depth, depth), true)) } /// Test whether the blocks before and after a given position can be /// joined. export function canJoin(doc: Node, pos: number): boolean { let $pos = doc.resolve(pos), index = $pos.index() return joinable($pos.nodeBefore, $pos.nodeAfter) && $pos.parent.canReplace(index, index + 1) } function joinable(a: Node | null, b: Node | null) { return !!(a && b && !a.isLeaf && a.canAppend(b)) } /// Find an ancestor of the given position that can be joined to the /// block before (or after if `dir` is positive). Returns the joinable /// point, if any. export function joinPoint(doc: Node, pos: number, dir = -1) { let $pos = doc.resolve(pos) for (let d = $pos.depth;; d--) { let before, after, index = $pos.index(d) if (d == $pos.depth) { before = $pos.nodeBefore after = $pos.nodeAfter } else if (dir > 0) { before = $pos.node(d + 1) index++ after = $pos.node(d).maybeChild(index) } else { before = $pos.node(d).maybeChild(index - 1) after = $pos.node(d + 1) } if (before && !before.isTextblock && joinable(before, after) && $pos.node(d).canReplace(index, index + 1)) return pos if (d == 0) break pos = dir < 0 ? $pos.before(d) : $pos.after(d) } } export function join(tr: Transform, pos: number, depth: number) { let step = new ReplaceStep(pos - depth, pos + depth, Slice.empty, true) tr.step(step) } /// Try to find a point where a node of the given type can be inserted /// near `pos`, by searching up the node hierarchy when `pos` itself /// isn't a valid place but is at the start or end of a node. Return /// null if no position was found. export function insertPoint(doc: Node, pos: number, nodeType: NodeType): number | null { let $pos = doc.resolve(pos) if ($pos.parent.canReplaceWith($pos.index(), $pos.index(), nodeType)) return pos if ($pos.parentOffset == 0) for (let d = $pos.depth - 1; d >= 0; d--) { let index = $pos.index(d) if ($pos.node(d).canReplaceWith(index, index, nodeType)) return $pos.before(d + 1) if (index > 0) return null } if ($pos.parentOffset == $pos.parent.content.size) for (let d = $pos.depth - 1; d >= 0; d--) { let index = $pos.indexAfter(d) if ($pos.node(d).canReplaceWith(index, index, nodeType)) return $pos.after(d + 1) if (index < $pos.node(d).childCount) return null } return null } /// Finds a position at or around the given position where the given /// slice can be inserted. Will look at parent nodes' nearest boundary /// and try there, even if the original position wasn't directly at the /// start or end of that node. Returns null when no position was found. export function dropPoint(doc: Node, pos: number, slice: Slice): number | null { let $pos = doc.resolve(pos) if (!slice.content.size) return pos let content = slice.content for (let i = 0; i < slice.openStart; i++) content = content.firstChild!.content for (let pass = 1; pass <= (slice.openStart == 0 && slice.size ? 2 : 1); pass++) { for (let d = $pos.depth; d >= 0; d--) { let bias = d == $pos.depth ? 0 : $pos.pos <= ($pos.start(d + 1) + $pos.end(d + 1)) / 2 ? -1 : 1 let insertPos = $pos.index(d) + (bias > 0 ? 1 : 0) let parent = $pos.node(d), fits: boolean | null = false if (pass == 1) { fits = parent.canReplace(insertPos, insertPos, content) } else { let wrapping = parent.contentMatchAt(insertPos).findWrapping(content.firstChild!.type) fits = wrapping && parent.canReplaceWith(insertPos, insertPos, wrapping[0]) } if (fits) return bias == 0 ? $pos.pos : bias < 0 ? $pos.before(d + 1) : $pos.after(d + 1) } } return null }