import {Slice, Node, Schema} from "prosemirror-model" import {Step, StepResult} from "./step" import {StepMap, Mappable} from "./map" /// Replace a part of the document with a slice of new content. export class ReplaceStep extends Step { /// The given `slice` should fit the 'gap' between `from` and /// `to`—the depths must line up, and the surrounding nodes must be /// able to be joined with the open sides of the slice. When /// `structure` is true, the step will fail if the content between /// from and to is not just a sequence of closing and then opening /// tokens (this is to guard against rebased replace steps /// overwriting something they weren't supposed to). constructor( /// The start position of the replaced range. readonly from: number, /// The end position of the replaced range. readonly to: number, /// The slice to insert. readonly slice: Slice, /// @internal readonly structure = false ) { super() } apply(doc: Node) { if (this.structure && contentBetween(doc, this.from, return"Structure replace would overwrite content") return StepResult.fromReplace(doc, this.from,, this.slice) } getMap() { return new StepMap([this.from, - this.from, this.slice.size]) } invert(doc: Node) { return new ReplaceStep(this.from, this.from + this.slice.size, doc.slice(this.from, } map(mapping: Mappable) { let from = mapping.mapResult(this.from, 1), to = mapping.mapResult(, -1) if (from.deletedAcross && to.deletedAcross) return null return new ReplaceStep(from.pos, Math.max(from.pos, to.pos), this.slice) } merge(other: Step) { if (!(other instanceof ReplaceStep) || other.structure || this.structure) return null if (this.from + this.slice.size == other.from && !this.slice.openEnd && !other.slice.openStart) { let slice = this.slice.size + other.slice.size == 0 ? Slice.empty : new Slice(this.slice.content.append(other.slice.content), this.slice.openStart, other.slice.openEnd) return new ReplaceStep(this.from, + ( - other.from), slice, this.structure) } else if ( == this.from && !this.slice.openStart && !other.slice.openEnd) { let slice = this.slice.size + other.slice.size == 0 ? Slice.empty : new Slice(other.slice.content.append(this.slice.content), other.slice.openStart, this.slice.openEnd) return new ReplaceStep(other.from,, slice, this.structure) } else { return null } } toJSON(): any { let json: any = {stepType: "replace", from: this.from, to:} if (this.slice.size) json.slice = this.slice.toJSON() if (this.structure) json.structure = true return json } /// @internal static fromJSON(schema: Schema, json: any) { if (typeof json.from != "number" || typeof != "number") throw new RangeError("Invalid input for ReplaceStep.fromJSON") return new ReplaceStep(json.from,, Slice.fromJSON(schema, json.slice), !!json.structure) } } Step.jsonID("replace", ReplaceStep) /// Replace a part of the document with a slice of content, but /// preserve a range of the replaced content by moving it into the /// slice. export class ReplaceAroundStep extends Step { /// Create a replace-around step with the given range and gap. /// `insert` should be the point in the slice into which the content /// of the gap should be moved. `structure` has the same meaning as /// it has in the [`ReplaceStep`](#transform.ReplaceStep) class. constructor( /// The start position of the replaced range. readonly from: number, /// The end position of the replaced range. readonly to: number, /// The start of preserved range. readonly gapFrom: number, /// The end of preserved range. readonly gapTo: number, /// The slice to insert. readonly slice: Slice, /// The position in the slice where the preserved range should be /// inserted. readonly insert: number, /// @internal readonly structure = false ) { super() } apply(doc: Node) { if (this.structure && (contentBetween(doc, this.from, this.gapFrom) || contentBetween(doc, this.gapTo, return"Structure gap-replace would overwrite content") let gap = doc.slice(this.gapFrom, this.gapTo) if (gap.openStart || gap.openEnd) return"Gap is not a flat range") let inserted = this.slice.insertAt(this.insert, gap.content) if (!inserted) return"Content does not fit in gap") return StepResult.fromReplace(doc, this.from,, inserted) } getMap() { return new StepMap([this.from, this.gapFrom - this.from, this.insert, this.gapTo, - this.gapTo, this.slice.size - this.insert]) } invert(doc: Node) { let gap = this.gapTo - this.gapFrom return new ReplaceAroundStep(this.from, this.from + this.slice.size + gap, this.from + this.insert, this.from + this.insert + gap, doc.slice(this.from, - this.from, this.gapTo - this.from), this.gapFrom - this.from, this.structure) } map(mapping: Mappable) { let from = mapping.mapResult(this.from, 1), to = mapping.mapResult(, -1) let gapFrom =, -1), gapTo =, 1) if ((from.deletedAcross && to.deletedAcross) || gapFrom < from.pos || gapTo > to.pos) return null return new ReplaceAroundStep(from.pos, to.pos, gapFrom, gapTo, this.slice, this.insert, this.structure) } toJSON(): any { let json: any = {stepType: "replaceAround", from: this.from, to:, gapFrom: this.gapFrom, gapTo: this.gapTo, insert: this.insert} if (this.slice.size) json.slice = this.slice.toJSON() if (this.structure) json.structure = true return json } /// @internal static fromJSON(schema: Schema, json: any) { if (typeof json.from != "number" || typeof != "number" || typeof json.gapFrom != "number" || typeof json.gapTo != "number" || typeof json.insert != "number") throw new RangeError("Invalid input for ReplaceAroundStep.fromJSON") return new ReplaceAroundStep(json.from,, json.gapFrom, json.gapTo, Slice.fromJSON(schema, json.slice), json.insert, !!json.structure) } } Step.jsonID("replaceAround", ReplaceAroundStep) function contentBetween(doc: Node, from: number, to: number) { let $from = doc.resolve(from), dist = to - from, depth = $from.depth while (dist > 0 && depth > 0 && $from.indexAfter(depth) == $from.node(depth).childCount) { depth-- dist-- } if (dist > 0) { let next = $from.node(depth).maybeChild($from.indexAfter(depth)) while (dist > 0) { if (!next || next.isLeaf) return true next = next.firstChild dist-- } } return false }