import { EditorView } from 'prosemirror-view'; import { EditorState, Transaction, Plugin } from 'prosemirror-state'; import { NodeType, Attrs } from 'prosemirror-model'; /** The types defined in this module aren't the only thing you can display in your menu. Anything that conforms to this interface can be put into a menu structure. */ interface MenuElement { /** Render the element for display in the menu. Must return a DOM element and a function that can be used to update the element to a new state. The `update` function must return false if the update hid the entire element. */ render(pm: EditorView): { dom: HTMLElement; update: (state: EditorState) => boolean; }; } /** An icon or label that, when clicked, executes a command. */ declare class MenuItem implements MenuElement { /** The spec used to create this item. */ readonly spec: MenuItemSpec; /** Create a menu item. */ constructor( /** The spec used to create this item. */ spec: MenuItemSpec); /** Renders the icon according to its [display spec](, and adds an event handler which executes the command when the representation is clicked. */ render(view: EditorView): { dom: HTMLElement; update: (state: EditorState) => boolean; }; } /** Specifies an icon. May be either an SVG icon, in which case its `path` property should be an [SVG path spec](, and `width` and `height` should provide the viewbox in which that path exists. Alternatively, it may have a `text` property specifying a string of text that makes up the icon, with an optional `css` property giving additional CSS styling for the text. _Or_ it may contain `dom` property containing a DOM node. */ type IconSpec = { path: string; width: number; height: number; } | { text: string; css?: string; } | { dom: Node; }; /** The configuration object passed to the `MenuItem` constructor. */ interface MenuItemSpec { /** The function to execute when the menu item is activated. */ run: (state: EditorState, dispatch: (tr: Transaction) => void, view: EditorView, event: Event) => void; /** Optional function that is used to determine whether the item is appropriate at the moment. Deselected items will be hidden. */ select?: (state: EditorState) => boolean; /** Function that is used to determine if the item is enabled. If given and returning false, the item will be given a disabled styling. */ enable?: (state: EditorState) => boolean; /** A predicate function to determine whether the item is 'active' (for example, the item for toggling the strong mark might be active then the cursor is in strong text). */ active?: (state: EditorState) => boolean; /** A function that renders the item. You must provide either this, [`icon`](, or [`label`]( */ render?: (view: EditorView) => HTMLElement; /** Describes an icon to show for this item. */ icon?: IconSpec; /** Makes the item show up as a text label. Mostly useful for items wrapped in a [drop-down]( or similar menu. The object should have a `label` property providing the text to display. */ label?: string; /** Defines DOM title (mouseover) text for the item. */ title?: string | ((state: EditorState) => string); /** Optionally adds a CSS class to the item's DOM representation. */ class?: string; /** Optionally adds a string of inline CSS to the item's DOM representation. */ css?: string; } /** A drop-down menu, displayed as a label with a downwards-pointing triangle to the right of it. */ declare class Dropdown implements MenuElement { /** Create a dropdown wrapping the elements. */ constructor(content: readonly MenuElement[] | MenuElement, /** @internal */ options?: { /** The label to show on the drop-down control. */ label?: string; /** Sets the [`title`]( attribute given to the menu control. */ title?: string; /** When given, adds an extra CSS class to the menu control. */ class?: string; /** When given, adds an extra set of CSS styles to the menu control. */ css?: string; }); /** Render the dropdown menu and sub-items. */ render(view: EditorView): { dom: HTMLElement; update: (state: EditorState) => boolean; }; } /** Represents a submenu wrapping a group of elements that start hidden and expand to the right when hovered over or tapped. */ declare class DropdownSubmenu implements MenuElement { /** Creates a submenu for the given group of menu elements. The following options are recognized: */ constructor(content: readonly MenuElement[] | MenuElement, /** @internal */ options?: { /** The label to show on the submenu. */ label?: string; }); /** Renders the submenu. */ render(view: EditorView): { dom: HTMLElement; update: (state: EditorState) => boolean; }; } /** Render the given, possibly nested, array of menu elements into a document fragment, placing separators between them (and ensuring no superfluous separators appear when some of the groups turn out to be empty). */ declare function renderGrouped(view: EditorView, content: readonly (readonly MenuElement[])[]): { dom: DocumentFragment; update: (state: EditorState) => boolean; }; /** A set of basic editor-related icons. Contains the properties `join`, `lift`, `selectParentNode`, `undo`, `redo`, `strong`, `em`, `code`, `link`, `bulletList`, `orderedList`, and `blockquote`, each holding an object that can be used as the `icon` option to `MenuItem`. */ declare const icons: { [name: string]: IconSpec; }; /** Menu item for the `joinUp` command. */ declare const joinUpItem: MenuItem; /** Menu item for the `lift` command. */ declare const liftItem: MenuItem; /** Menu item for the `selectParentNode` command. */ declare const selectParentNodeItem: MenuItem; /** Menu item for the `undo` command. */ declare let undoItem: MenuItem; /** Menu item for the `redo` command. */ declare let redoItem: MenuItem; /** Build a menu item for wrapping the selection in a given node type. Adds `run` and `select` properties to the ones present in `options`. `options.attrs` may be an object that provides attributes for the wrapping node. */ declare function wrapItem(nodeType: NodeType, options: Partial & { attrs?: Attrs | null; }): MenuItem; /** Build a menu item for changing the type of the textblock around the selection to the given type. Provides `run`, `active`, and `select` properties. Others must be given in `options`. `options.attrs` may be an object to provide the attributes for the textblock node. */ declare function blockTypeItem(nodeType: NodeType, options: Partial & { attrs?: Attrs | null; }): MenuItem; /** A plugin that will place a menu bar above the editor. Note that this involves wrapping the editor in an additional `
`. */ declare function menuBar(options: { /** Provides the content of the menu, as a nested array to be passed to `renderGrouped`. */ content: readonly (readonly MenuElement[])[]; /** Determines whether the menu floats, i.e. whether it sticks to the top of the viewport when the editor is partially scrolled out of view. */ floating?: boolean; }): Plugin; export { Dropdown, DropdownSubmenu, IconSpec, MenuElement, MenuItem, MenuItemSpec, blockTypeItem, icons, joinUpItem, liftItem, menuBar, redoItem, renderGrouped, selectParentNodeItem, undoItem, wrapItem };