import {keydownHandler} from "prosemirror-keymap" import {TextSelection, NodeSelection, Plugin, Command, EditorState} from "prosemirror-state" import {Fragment, Slice} from "prosemirror-model" import {Decoration, DecorationSet, EditorView} from "prosemirror-view" import {GapCursor} from "./gapcursor" /// Create a gap cursor plugin. When enabled, this will capture clicks /// near and arrow-key-motion past places that don't have a normally /// selectable position nearby, and create a gap cursor selection for /// them. The cursor is drawn as an element with class /// `ProseMirror-gapcursor`. You can either include /// `style/gapcursor.css` from the package's directory or add your own /// styles to make it visible. export function gapCursor(): Plugin { return new Plugin({ props: { decorations: drawGapCursor, createSelectionBetween(_view, $anchor, $head) { return $anchor.pos == $head.pos && GapCursor.valid($head) ? new GapCursor($head) : null }, handleClick, handleKeyDown, handleDOMEvents: {beforeinput: beforeinput as any} } }) } export {GapCursor} const handleKeyDown = keydownHandler({ "ArrowLeft": arrow("horiz", -1), "ArrowRight": arrow("horiz", 1), "ArrowUp": arrow("vert", -1), "ArrowDown": arrow("vert", 1) }) function arrow(axis: "vert" | "horiz", dir: number): Command { const dirStr = axis == "vert" ? (dir > 0 ? "down" : "up") : (dir > 0 ? "right" : "left") return function(state, dispatch, view) { let sel = state.selection let $start = dir > 0 ? sel.$to : sel.$from, mustMove = sel.empty if (sel instanceof TextSelection) { if (!view!.endOfTextblock(dirStr) || $start.depth == 0) return false mustMove = false $start = state.doc.resolve(dir > 0 ? $start.after() : $start.before()) } let $found = GapCursor.findGapCursorFrom($start, dir, mustMove) if (!$found) return false if (dispatch) dispatch( GapCursor($found))) return true } } function handleClick(view: EditorView, pos: number, event: MouseEvent) { if (!view || !view.editable) return false let $pos = view.state.doc.resolve(pos) if (!GapCursor.valid($pos)) return false let clickPos = view.posAtCoords({left: event.clientX, top: event.clientY}) if (clickPos && clickPos.inside > -1 && NodeSelection.isSelectable(view.state.doc.nodeAt(clickPos.inside)!)) return false view.dispatch( GapCursor($pos))) return true } // This is a hack that, when a composition starts while a gap cursor // is active, quickly creates an inline context for the composition to // happen in, to avoid it being aborted by the DOM selection being // moved into a valid position. function beforeinput(view: EditorView, event: InputEvent) { if (event.inputType != "insertCompositionText" || !(view.state.selection instanceof GapCursor)) return false let {$from} = view.state.selection let insert = $from.parent.contentMatchAt($from.index()).findWrapping(view.state.schema.nodes.text) if (!insert) return false let frag = Fragment.empty for (let i = insert.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) frag = Fragment.from(insert[i].createAndFill(null, frag)) let tr =$from.pos, $from.pos, new Slice(frag, 0, 0)) tr.setSelection(TextSelection.near(tr.doc.resolve($from.pos + 1))) view.dispatch(tr) return false } function drawGapCursor(state: EditorState) { if (!(state.selection instanceof GapCursor)) return null let node = document.createElement("div") node.className = "ProseMirror-gapcursor" return DecorationSet.create(state.doc, [Decoration.widget(state.selection.head, node, {key: "gapcursor"})]) }