This module exports a number of _commands_, which are building block functions that encapsulate an editing action. A command function takes an editor state, _optionally_ a `dispatch` function that it can use to dispatch a transaction and _optionally_ an `EditorView` instance. It should return a boolean that indicates whether it could perform any action. When no `dispatch` callback is passed, the command should do a 'dry run', determining whether it is applicable, but not actually doing anything. These are mostly used to bind keys and define menu items. @chainCommands @deleteSelection @joinBackward @selectNodeBackward @joinTextblockBackward @joinForward @selectNodeForward @joinTextblockForward @joinUp @joinDown @lift @newlineInCode @exitCode @createParagraphNear @liftEmptyBlock @splitBlock @splitBlockAs @splitBlockKeepMarks @selectParentNode @selectAll @selectTextblockStart @selectTextblockEnd @wrapIn @setBlockType @toggleMark @autoJoin @baseKeymap @pcBaseKeymap @macBaseKeymap