import {Plugin, PluginKey, TextSelection, EditorState, Transaction} from "prosemirror-state" import {Step, Transform} from "prosemirror-transform" class Rebaseable { constructor( readonly step: Step, readonly inverted: Step, readonly origin: Transform ) {} } /// Undo a given set of steps, apply a set of other steps, and then /// redo them @internal export function rebaseSteps(steps: readonly Rebaseable[], over: readonly Step[], transform: Transform) { for (let i = steps.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) transform.step(steps[i].inverted) for (let i = 0; i < over.length; i++) transform.step(over[i]) let result = [] for (let i = 0, mapFrom = steps.length; i < steps.length; i++) { let mapped = steps[i] mapFrom-- if (mapped && !transform.maybeStep(mapped).failed) { transform.mapping.setMirror(mapFrom, transform.steps.length - 1) result.push(new Rebaseable(mapped, mapped.invert([ - 1]), steps[i].origin)) } } return result } // This state field accumulates changes that have to be sent to the // central authority in the collaborating group and makes it possible // to integrate changes made by peers into our local document. It is // defined by the plugin, and will be available as the `collab` field // in the resulting editor state. class CollabState { constructor( // The version number of the last update received from the central // authority. Starts at 0 or the value of the `version` property // in the option object, for the editor's value when the option // was enabled. readonly version: number, // The local steps that havent been successfully sent to the // server yet. readonly unconfirmed: readonly Rebaseable[] ) {} } function unconfirmedFrom(transform: Transform) { let result = [] for (let i = 0; i < transform.steps.length; i++) result.push(new Rebaseable(transform.steps[i], transform.steps[i].invert([i]), transform)) return result } const collabKey = new PluginKey("collab") type CollabConfig = { /// The starting version number of the collaborative editing. /// Defaults to 0. version?: number /// This client's ID, used to distinguish its changes from those of /// other clients. Defaults to a random 32-bit number. clientID?: number | string } /// Creates a plugin that enables the collaborative editing framework /// for the editor. export function collab(config: CollabConfig = {}): Plugin { let conf: Required = { version: config.version || 0, clientID: config.clientID == null ? Math.floor(Math.random() * 0xFFFFFFFF) : config.clientID } return new Plugin({ key: collabKey, state: { init: () => new CollabState(conf.version, []), apply(tr, collab) { let newState = tr.getMeta(collabKey) if (newState) return newState if (tr.docChanged) return new CollabState(collab.version, collab.unconfirmed.concat(unconfirmedFrom(tr))) return collab } }, config: conf, // This is used to notify the history plugin to not merge steps, // so that the history can be rebased. historyPreserveItems: true }) } /// Create a transaction that represents a set of new steps received from /// the authority. Applying this transaction moves the state forward to /// adjust to the authority's view of the document. export function receiveTransaction( state: EditorState, steps: readonly Step[], clientIDs: readonly (string | number)[], options: { /// When enabled (the default is `false`), if the current /// selection is a [text selection](#state.TextSelection), its /// sides are mapped with a negative bias for this transaction, so /// that content inserted at the cursor ends up after the cursor. /// Users usually prefer this, but it isn't done by default for /// reasons of backwards compatibility. mapSelectionBackward?: boolean } = {} ) { // Pushes a set of steps (received from the central authority) into // the editor state (which should have the collab plugin enabled). // Will recognize its own changes, and confirm unconfirmed steps as // appropriate. Remaining unconfirmed steps will be rebased over // remote steps. let collabState = collabKey.getState(state) let version = collabState.version + steps.length let ourID: string | number = (collabKey.get(state)!.spec as any).config.clientID // Find out which prefix of the steps originated with us let ours = 0 while (ours < clientIDs.length && clientIDs[ours] == ourID) ++ours let unconfirmed = collabState.unconfirmed.slice(ours) steps = ours ? steps.slice(ours) : steps // If all steps originated with us, we're done. if (!steps.length) return, new CollabState(version, unconfirmed)) let nUnconfirmed = unconfirmed.length let tr = if (nUnconfirmed) { unconfirmed = rebaseSteps(unconfirmed, steps, tr) } else { for (let i = 0; i < steps.length; i++) tr.step(steps[i]) unconfirmed = [] } let newCollabState = new CollabState(version, unconfirmed) if (options && options.mapSelectionBackward && state.selection instanceof TextSelection) { tr.setSelection(TextSelection.between(tr.doc.resolve(, -1)), tr.doc.resolve(, -1)), -1)) ;(tr as any).updated &= ~1 } return tr.setMeta("rebased", nUnconfirmed).setMeta("addToHistory", false).setMeta(collabKey, newCollabState) } /// Provides data describing the editor's unconfirmed steps, which need /// to be sent to the central authority. Returns null when there is /// nothing to send. /// /// `origins` holds the _original_ transactions that produced each /// steps. This can be useful for looking up time stamps and other /// metadata for the steps, but note that the steps may have been /// rebased, whereas the origin transactions are still the old, /// unchanged objects. export function sendableSteps(state: EditorState): { version: number, steps: readonly Step[], clientID: number | string, origins: readonly Transaction[] } | null { let collabState = collabKey.getState(state) as CollabState if (collabState.unconfirmed.length == 0) return null return { version: collabState.version, steps: => s.step), clientID: (collabKey.get(state)!.spec as any).config.clientID, get origins() { return (this as any)._origins || ((this as any)._origins = => s.origin)) } } } /// Get the version up to which the collab plugin has synced with the /// central authority. export function getVersion(state: EditorState): number { return collabKey.getState(state).version }