import ist from "ist" import {doc, p, em, strong, h1, h2} from "prosemirror-test-builder" import {Node} from "prosemirror-model" import {Span, Change, ChangeSet} from "prosemirror-changeset" const {computeDiff} = ChangeSet describe("computeDiff", () => { function test(doc1: Node, doc2: Node, ...ranges: number[][]) { let diff = computeDiff(doc1.content, doc2.content, new Change(0, doc1.content.size, 0, doc2.content.size, [new Span(doc1.content.size, 0)], [new Span(doc2.content.size, 0)])) ist(JSON.stringify( => [r.fromA, r.toA, r.fromB, r.toB])), JSON.stringify(ranges)) } it("returns an empty diff for identical documents", () => test(doc(p("foo"), p("bar")), doc(p("foo"), p("bar")))) it("finds single-letter changes", () => test(doc(p("foo"), p("bar")), doc(p("foa"), p("bar")), [3, 4, 3, 4])) it("finds simple structure changes", () => test(doc(p("foo"), p("bar")), doc(p("foobar")), [4, 6, 4, 4])) it("finds multiple changes", () => test(doc(p("foo"), p("---bar")), doc(p("fgo"), p("---bur")), [2, 4, 2, 4], [10, 11, 10, 11])) it("ignores single-letter unchanged parts", () => test(doc(p("abcdef")), doc(p("axydzf")), [2, 6, 2, 6])) it("ignores matching substrings in longer diffs", () => test(doc(p("One two three")), doc(p("One"), p("And another long paragraph that has wo and ee in it")), [4, 14, 4, 57])) it("finds deletions", () => test(doc(p("abc"), p("def")), doc(p("ac"), p("d")), [2, 3, 2, 2], [7, 9, 6, 6])) it("ignores marks", () => test(doc(p("abc")), doc(p(em("a"), strong("bc"))))) it("ignores marks in diffing", () => test(doc(p("abcdefghi")), doc(p(em("x"), strong("bc"), "defgh", em("y"))), [1, 2, 1, 2], [9, 10, 9, 10])) it("ignores attributes", () => test(doc(h1("x")), doc(h2("x")))) it("finds huge deletions", () => { let xs = "x".repeat(200), bs = "b".repeat(20) test(doc(p("a" + bs + "c")), doc(p("a" + xs + bs + xs + "c")), [2, 2, 2, 202], [22, 22, 222, 422]) }) it("finds huge insertions", () => { let xs = "x".repeat(200), bs = "b".repeat(20) test(doc(p("a" + xs + bs + xs + "c")), doc(p("a" + bs + "c")), [2, 202, 2, 2], [222, 422, 22, 22]) }) it("can handle ambiguous diffs", () => test(doc(p("abcbcd")), doc(p("abcd")), [4, 6, 4, 4])) })