import { Plugin, PluginKey, Selection } from '@tiptap/pm/state' import { CommandManager } from '../CommandManager.js' import { Extension } from '../Extension.js' import { createChainableState } from '../helpers/createChainableState.js' import { isiOS } from '../utilities/isiOS.js' import { isMacOS } from '../utilities/isMacOS.js' export const Keymap = Extension.create({ name: 'keymap', addKeyboardShortcuts() { const handleBackspace = () => this.editor.commands.first(({ commands }) => [ () => commands.undoInputRule(), // maybe convert first text block node to default node () => commands.command(({ tr }) => { const { selection, doc } = tr const { empty, $anchor } = selection const { pos, parent } = $anchor const $parentPos = $anchor.parent.isTextblock ? tr.doc.resolve(pos - 1) : $anchor const parentIsIsolating = $parentPos.parent.type.spec.isolating const parentPos = $anchor.pos - $anchor.parentOffset const isAtStart = (parentIsIsolating && $parentPos.parent.childCount === 1) ? parentPos === $anchor.pos : Selection.atStart(doc).from === pos if (!empty || !isAtStart || !parent.type.isTextblock || parent.textContent.length) { return false } return commands.clearNodes() }), () => commands.deleteSelection(), () => commands.joinBackward(), () => commands.selectNodeBackward(), ]) const handleDelete = () => this.editor.commands.first(({ commands }) => [ () => commands.deleteSelection(), () => commands.deleteCurrentNode(), () => commands.joinForward(), () => commands.selectNodeForward(), ]) const handleEnter = () => this.editor.commands.first(({ commands }) => [ () => commands.newlineInCode(), () => commands.createParagraphNear(), () => commands.liftEmptyBlock(), () => commands.splitBlock(), ]) const baseKeymap = { Enter: handleEnter, 'Mod-Enter': () => this.editor.commands.exitCode(), Backspace: handleBackspace, 'Mod-Backspace': handleBackspace, 'Shift-Backspace': handleBackspace, Delete: handleDelete, 'Mod-Delete': handleDelete, 'Mod-a': () => this.editor.commands.selectAll(), } const pcKeymap = { ...baseKeymap, } const macKeymap = { ...baseKeymap, 'Ctrl-h': handleBackspace, 'Alt-Backspace': handleBackspace, 'Ctrl-d': handleDelete, 'Ctrl-Alt-Backspace': handleDelete, 'Alt-Delete': handleDelete, 'Alt-d': handleDelete, 'Ctrl-a': () => this.editor.commands.selectTextblockStart(), 'Ctrl-e': () => this.editor.commands.selectTextblockEnd(), } if (isiOS() || isMacOS()) { return macKeymap } return pcKeymap }, addProseMirrorPlugins() { return [ // With this plugin we check if the whole document was selected and deleted. // In this case we will additionally call `clearNodes()` to convert e.g. a heading // to a paragraph if necessary. // This is an alternative to ProseMirror's `AllSelection`, which doesn’t work well // with many other commands. new Plugin({ key: new PluginKey('clearDocument'), appendTransaction: (transactions, oldState, newState) => { const docChanges = transactions.some(transaction => transaction.docChanged) && !oldState.doc.eq(newState.doc) if (!docChanges) { return } const { empty, from, to } = oldState.selection const allFrom = Selection.atStart(oldState.doc).from const allEnd = Selection.atEnd(oldState.doc).to const allWasSelected = from === allFrom && to === allEnd if (empty || !allWasSelected) { return } const isEmpty = newState.doc.textBetween(0, newState.doc.content.size, ' ', ' ').length === 0 if (!isEmpty) { return } const tr = const state = createChainableState({ state: newState, transaction: tr, }) const { commands } = new CommandManager({ editor: this.editor, state, }) commands.clearNodes() if (!tr.steps.length) { return } return tr }, }), ] }, })