var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); }; var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) if (!, key) && key !== except) __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); } return to; }; var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); // packages/remirror__core-constants/src/index.ts var src_exports = {}; __export(src_exports, { EMPTY_ARRAY: () => EMPTY_ARRAY, EMPTY_NODE: () => EMPTY_NODE, EMPTY_PARAGRAPH_NODE: () => EMPTY_PARAGRAPH_NODE, ErrorConstant: () => ErrorConstant, ExtensionPriority: () => ExtensionPriority, ExtensionTag: () => ExtensionTag, LEAF_NODE_REPLACING_CHARACTER: () => LEAF_NODE_REPLACING_CHARACTER, ManagerPhase: () => ManagerPhase, NON_BREAKING_SPACE_CHAR: () => NON_BREAKING_SPACE_CHAR, NULL_CHARACTER: () => NULL_CHARACTER, NamedShortcut: () => NamedShortcut, REMIRROR_WEBVIEW_NAME: () => REMIRROR_WEBVIEW_NAME, RemirrorIdentifier: () => RemirrorIdentifier, SELECTED_NODE_CLASS_NAME: () => SELECTED_NODE_CLASS_NAME, SELECTED_NODE_CLASS_SELECTOR: () => SELECTED_NODE_CLASS_SELECTOR, STATE_OVERRIDE: () => STATE_OVERRIDE, ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE_CHAR: () => ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE_CHAR, __INTERNAL_REMIRROR_IDENTIFIER_KEY__: () => __INTERNAL_REMIRROR_IDENTIFIER_KEY__, mutateTag: () => mutateTag }); module.exports = __toCommonJS(src_exports); // packages/remirror__core-constants/src/core-constants.ts var SELECTED_NODE_CLASS_NAME = "ProseMirror-selectednode"; var SELECTED_NODE_CLASS_SELECTOR = `.${SELECTED_NODE_CLASS_NAME}`; var LEAF_NODE_REPLACING_CHARACTER = "\uFFFC"; var NULL_CHARACTER = "\0"; var STATE_OVERRIDE = "__state_override__"; var REMIRROR_WEBVIEW_NAME = "$$__REMIRROR_WEBVIEW_BUNDLE__$$"; var ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE_CHAR = "\u200B"; var NON_BREAKING_SPACE_CHAR = "\xA0"; var EMPTY_PARAGRAPH_NODE = { type: "doc", content: [ { type: "paragraph" } ] }; var EMPTY_NODE = { type: "doc", content: [] }; function mutateTag(mutator) { mutator(BaseExtensionTag); } var BaseExtensionTag = { /** * Describes a node that can be used as the last node of a document and * doesn't need to have anything else rendered after itself. * * @remarks * * e.g. `paragraph` */ LastNodeCompatible: "lastNodeCompatible", /** * A mark that is used to change the formatting of the node it wraps. * * @remarks * * e.g. `bold`, `italic` */ FormattingMark: "formattingMark", /** * A node that formats text in a non-standard way. * * @remarks * * e.g. `codeBlock`, `heading`, `blockquote` */ FormattingNode: "formattingNode", /** * Identifies a node which has problems with cursor navigation. * * @remarks * * When this tag is added to an extension this will be picked up by * behavioural extensions such as the NodeCursorExtension which makes hard to * reach nodes reachable using keyboard arrows. */ NodeCursor: "nodeCursor", /** * Mark group for font styling (e.g. bold, italic, underline, superscript). */ FontStyle: "fontStyle", /** * Mark groups for links. */ Link: "link", /** * Mark groups for colors (text-color, background-color, etc). */ Color: "color", /** * Mark group for alignment. */ Alignment: "alignment", /** * Mark group for indentation. */ Indentation: "indentation", /** * Extension which affect the behaviour of the content. Can be nodes marks or * plain. */ Behavior: "behavior", /** * Marks and nodes which contain code. */ Code: "code", /** * Whether this node is an inline node. * * - `text` is an inline node, but `paragraph` is a block node. */ InlineNode: "inline", /** * This is a node that can contain list items. */ ListContainerNode: "listContainer", /** * Tags the extension as a list item node which can be contained by * [[`ExtensionTag.ListNode`]]. */ ListItemNode: "listItemNode", /** * Sets this as a block level node. */ Block: "block", /** * @deprecate use `ExtensionTags.Block` instead. */ BlockNode: "block", /** * Set this as a text block */ TextBlock: "textBlock", /** * A tag that excludes this from input rules. */ ExcludeInputRules: "excludeFromInputRules", /** * A mark or node that can't be exited when at the end and beginning of the * document with an arrow key or backspace key. */ PreventExits: "preventsExits", /** * Represents a media compatible node. */ Media: "media" }; var ExtensionTag = BaseExtensionTag; var __INTERNAL_REMIRROR_IDENTIFIER_KEY__ = Symbol.for("__remirror__"); var RemirrorIdentifier = /* @__PURE__ */ ((RemirrorIdentifier2) => { RemirrorIdentifier2["PlainExtension"] = "RemirrorPlainExtension"; RemirrorIdentifier2["NodeExtension"] = "RemirrorNodeExtension"; RemirrorIdentifier2["MarkExtension"] = "RemirrorMarkExtension"; RemirrorIdentifier2["PlainExtensionConstructor"] = "RemirrorPlainExtensionConstructor"; RemirrorIdentifier2["NodeExtensionConstructor"] = "RemirrorNodeExtensionConstructor"; RemirrorIdentifier2["MarkExtensionConstructor"] = "RemirrorMarkExtensionConstructor"; RemirrorIdentifier2["Manager"] = "RemirrorManager"; RemirrorIdentifier2["Preset"] = "RemirrorPreset"; RemirrorIdentifier2["PresetConstructor"] = "RemirrorPresetConstructor"; return RemirrorIdentifier2; })(RemirrorIdentifier || {}); var ExtensionPriority = /* @__PURE__ */ ((ExtensionPriority2) => { ExtensionPriority2[ExtensionPriority2["Critical"] = 1e6] = "Critical"; ExtensionPriority2[ExtensionPriority2["Highest"] = 1e5] = "Highest"; ExtensionPriority2[ExtensionPriority2["High"] = 1e4] = "High"; ExtensionPriority2[ExtensionPriority2["Medium"] = 1e3] = "Medium"; ExtensionPriority2[ExtensionPriority2["Default"] = 100] = "Default"; ExtensionPriority2[ExtensionPriority2["Low"] = 10] = "Low"; ExtensionPriority2[ExtensionPriority2["Lowest"] = 0] = "Lowest"; return ExtensionPriority2; })(ExtensionPriority || {}); var ManagerPhase = /* @__PURE__ */ ((ManagerPhase2) => { ManagerPhase2[ManagerPhase2["None"] = 0] = "None"; ManagerPhase2[ManagerPhase2["Create"] = 1] = "Create"; ManagerPhase2[ManagerPhase2["EditorView"] = 2] = "EditorView"; ManagerPhase2[ManagerPhase2["Runtime"] = 3] = "Runtime"; ManagerPhase2[ManagerPhase2["Destroy"] = 4] = "Destroy"; return ManagerPhase2; })(ManagerPhase || {}); var NamedShortcut = /* @__PURE__ */ ((NamedShortcut2) => { NamedShortcut2["Undo"] = "_|undo|_"; NamedShortcut2["Redo"] = "_|redo|_"; NamedShortcut2["Bold"] = "_|bold|_"; NamedShortcut2["Italic"] = "_|italic|_"; NamedShortcut2["Underline"] = "_|underline|_"; NamedShortcut2["Strike"] = "_|strike|_"; NamedShortcut2["Code"] = "_|code|_"; NamedShortcut2["Paragraph"] = "_|paragraph|_"; NamedShortcut2["H1"] = "_|h1|_"; NamedShortcut2["H2"] = "_|h2|_"; NamedShortcut2["H3"] = "_|h3|_"; NamedShortcut2["H4"] = "_|h4|_"; NamedShortcut2["H5"] = "_|h5|_"; NamedShortcut2["H6"] = "_|h6|_"; NamedShortcut2["TaskList"] = "_|task|_"; NamedShortcut2["BulletList"] = "_|bullet|_"; NamedShortcut2["OrderedList"] = "_|number|_"; NamedShortcut2["Quote"] = "_|quote|_"; NamedShortcut2["Divider"] = "_|divider|_"; NamedShortcut2["Codeblock"] = "_|codeblock|_"; NamedShortcut2["ClearFormatting"] = "_|clear|_"; NamedShortcut2["Superscript"] = "_|sup|_"; NamedShortcut2["Subscript"] = "_|sub|_"; NamedShortcut2["LeftAlignment"] = "_|left-align|_"; NamedShortcut2["CenterAlignment"] = "_|center-align|_"; NamedShortcut2["RightAlignment"] = "_|right-align|_"; NamedShortcut2["JustifyAlignment"] = "_|justify-align|_"; NamedShortcut2["InsertLink"] = "_|link|_"; NamedShortcut2["Find"] = "_|find|_"; NamedShortcut2["FindBackwards"] = "_|find-backwards|_"; NamedShortcut2["FindReplace"] = "_|find-replace|_"; NamedShortcut2["AddFootnote"] = "_|footnote|_"; NamedShortcut2["AddComment"] = "_|comment|_"; NamedShortcut2["ContextMenu"] = "_|context-menu|_"; NamedShortcut2["IncreaseFontSize"] = "_|inc-font-size|_"; NamedShortcut2["DecreaseFontSize"] = "_|dec-font-size|_"; NamedShortcut2["IncreaseIndent"] = "_|indent|_"; NamedShortcut2["DecreaseIndent"] = "_|dedent|_"; NamedShortcut2["Shortcuts"] = "_|shortcuts|_"; NamedShortcut2["Copy"] = "_|copy|_"; NamedShortcut2["Cut"] = "_|cut|_"; NamedShortcut2["Paste"] = "_|paste|_"; NamedShortcut2["PastePlain"] = "_|paste-plain|_"; NamedShortcut2["SelectAll"] = "_|select-all|_"; NamedShortcut2["Format"] = "_|format|_"; return NamedShortcut2; })(NamedShortcut || {}); var EMPTY_ARRAY = []; // packages/remirror__core-constants/src/error-constants.ts var ErrorConstant = /* @__PURE__ */ ((ErrorConstant2) => { ErrorConstant2["PROD"] = "RMR0000"; ErrorConstant2["UNKNOWN"] = "RMR0001"; ErrorConstant2["INVALID_COMMAND_ARGUMENTS"] = "RMR0002"; ErrorConstant2["CUSTOM"] = "RMR0003"; ErrorConstant2["CORE_HELPERS"] = "RMR0004"; ErrorConstant2["MUTATION"] = "RMR0005"; ErrorConstant2["INTERNAL"] = "RMR0006"; ErrorConstant2["MISSING_REQUIRED_EXTENSION"] = "RMR0007"; ErrorConstant2["MANAGER_PHASE_ERROR"] = "RMR0008"; ErrorConstant2["INVALID_GET_EXTENSION"] = "RMR0010"; ErrorConstant2["INVALID_MANAGER_ARGUMENTS"] = "RMR0011"; ErrorConstant2["SCHEMA"] = "RMR0012"; ErrorConstant2["HELPERS_CALLED_IN_OUTER_SCOPE"] = "RMR0013"; ErrorConstant2["INVALID_MANAGER_EXTENSION"] = "RMR0014"; ErrorConstant2["DUPLICATE_COMMAND_NAMES"] = "RMR0016"; ErrorConstant2["DUPLICATE_HELPER_NAMES"] = "RMR0017"; ErrorConstant2["NON_CHAINABLE_COMMAND"] = "RMR0018"; ErrorConstant2["INVALID_EXTENSION"] = "RMR0019"; ErrorConstant2["INVALID_CONTENT"] = "RMR0021"; ErrorConstant2["INVALID_NAME"] = "RMR0050"; ErrorConstant2["EXTENSION"] = "RMR0100"; ErrorConstant2["EXTENSION_SPEC"] = "RMR0101"; ErrorConstant2["EXTENSION_EXTRA_ATTRIBUTES"] = "RMR0102"; ErrorConstant2["INVALID_SET_EXTENSION_OPTIONS"] = "RMR0103"; ErrorConstant2["REACT_PROVIDER_CONTEXT"] = "RMR0200"; ErrorConstant2["REACT_GET_ROOT_PROPS"] = "RMR0201"; ErrorConstant2["REACT_EDITOR_VIEW"] = "RMR0202"; ErrorConstant2["REACT_CONTROLLED"] = "RMR0203"; ErrorConstant2["REACT_NODE_VIEW"] = "RMR0204"; ErrorConstant2["REACT_GET_CONTEXT"] = "RMR0205"; ErrorConstant2["REACT_COMPONENTS"] = "RMR0206"; ErrorConstant2["REACT_HOOKS"] = "RMR0207"; ErrorConstant2["I18N_CONTEXT"] = "RMR0300"; return ErrorConstant2; })(ErrorConstant || {}); // Annotate the CommonJS export names for ESM import in node: 0 && (module.exports = { EMPTY_ARRAY, EMPTY_NODE, EMPTY_PARAGRAPH_NODE, ErrorConstant, ExtensionPriority, ExtensionTag, LEAF_NODE_REPLACING_CHARACTER, ManagerPhase, NON_BREAKING_SPACE_CHAR, NULL_CHARACTER, NamedShortcut, REMIRROR_WEBVIEW_NAME, RemirrorIdentifier, SELECTED_NODE_CLASS_NAME, SELECTED_NODE_CLASS_SELECTOR, STATE_OVERRIDE, ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE_CHAR, __INTERNAL_REMIRROR_IDENTIFIER_KEY__, mutateTag });