import { Dict } from './types.js'; declare const breakpoints: readonly string[]; declare function mapResponsive(prop: any, mapper: (val: any) => any): any; declare function objectToArrayNotation(obj: Dict, bps?: readonly string[]): any[]; declare function arrayToObjectNotation(values: any[], bps?: readonly string[]): Dict; declare function isResponsiveObjectLike(obj: Dict, bps?: readonly string[]): boolean; /** * since breakpoints are defined as custom properties on an array, you may * `Object.keys(theme.breakpoints)` to retrieve both regular numeric indices * and custom breakpoints as string. * * This function returns true given a custom array property. */ declare const isCustomBreakpoint: (maybeBreakpoint: string) => boolean; export { arrayToObjectNotation, breakpoints, isCustomBreakpoint, isResponsiveObjectLike, mapResponsive, objectToArrayNotation };