import { Dict } from './types.js'; declare function px(value: number | string | null): string | null; declare function toMediaQueryString(min: string | null, max?: string): string; declare function analyzeBreakpoints(breakpoints: Dict): { keys: Set; normalized: string[]; isResponsive(test: Dict): boolean; asObject: Dict; asArray: string[]; details: { _minW: string; breakpoint: string; minW: any; maxW: any; maxWQuery: string; minWQuery: string; minMaxQuery: string; }[]; media: (string | null)[]; /** * Converts the object responsive syntax to array syntax * * @example * toArrayValue({ base: 1, sm: 2, md: 3 }) // => [1, 2, 3] */ toArrayValue(test: Dict): any[]; /** * Converts the array responsive syntax to object syntax * * @example * toObjectValue([1, 2, 3]) // => { base: 1, sm: 2, md: 3 } */ toObjectValue(test: any[]): any; } | null; declare type AnalyzeBreakpointsReturn = ReturnType; export { AnalyzeBreakpointsReturn, analyzeBreakpoints, px, toMediaQueryString };