import { ToastPosition } from './toast.placement.js'; import { b as ToastOptions, a as ToastId, T as ToastState } from './toast.types-24f022fd.js'; import '@chakra-ui/system'; import '@chakra-ui/alert'; import 'react'; /** * Given an array of toasts for a specific position. * It returns the toast that matches the `id` passed */ declare const findById: (arr: ToastOptions[], id: ToastId) => ToastOptions | undefined; /** * Given the toast manager state, finds the toast that matches * the id and return its position and index */ declare function findToast(toasts: ToastState, id: ToastId): { position: ToastPosition | undefined; index: number; }; /** * Given the toast manager state, finds the position of the toast that * matches the `id` */ declare function getToastPosition(toasts: ToastState, id: ToastId): ToastPosition | undefined; /** * Given the toast manager state, checks if a specific toast is * still in the state, which means it is still visible on screen. */ declare const isVisible: (toasts: ToastState, id: ToastId) => boolean; /** * Gets the styles to be applied to a toast's container * based on its position in the manager */ declare function getToastStyle(position: ToastPosition): React.CSSProperties; /** * Compute the style of a toast based on its position */ declare function getToastListStyle(position: ToastPosition): React.CSSProperties; export { findById, findToast, getToastListStyle, getToastPosition, getToastStyle, isVisible };