import { AnyPointerEvent, PanEventHandlers, Point } from './types.js'; /** * A Pan Session is recognized when the pointer is down * and moved in the allowed direction. */ declare class PanEvent { /** * We use this to keep track of the `x` and `y` pan session history * as the pan event happens. It helps to calculate the `offset` and `delta` */ private history; private startEvent; private lastEvent; private lastEventInfo; private handlers; private removeListeners; /** * Minimal pan distance required before recognizing the pan. * @default "3px" */ private threshold; private win; constructor(event: AnyPointerEvent, handlers: Partial, threshold?: number); private updatePoint; private onPointerMove; private onPointerUp; updateHandlers(handlers: Partial): void; end(): void; } declare function distance

(a: P, b: P): number; export { PanEvent, distance };