import { FocusableElement } from '@chakra-ui/dom-utils'; import { RefObject } from 'react'; interface UseFocusOnHideOptions { focusRef: RefObject; shouldFocus?: boolean; visible?: boolean; } /** * Popover hook to manage the focus when the popover closes or hides. * * We either want to return focus back to the popover trigger or * let focus proceed normally if user moved to another interactive * element in the viewport. */ declare function useFocusOnHide(containerRef: RefObject, options: UseFocusOnHideOptions): void; interface UseFocusOnShowOptions { visible?: boolean; shouldFocus?: boolean; preventScroll?: boolean; focusRef?: React.RefObject; } declare function useFocusOnShow(target: React.RefObject | T, options?: UseFocusOnShowOptions): void; export { UseFocusOnHideOptions, UseFocusOnShowOptions, useFocusOnHide, useFocusOnShow };