import * as react from 'react'; import { keyframes } from '@chakra-ui/system'; type Keyframe = ReturnType; declare const spin: Keyframe; declare const rotate: Keyframe; declare const progress: Keyframe; declare const stripe: Keyframe; interface GetProgressPropsOptions { value?: number; min: number; max: number; valueText?: string; getValueText?(value: number, percent: number): string; isIndeterminate?: boolean; role?: React.AriaRole; } /** * Get the common `aria-*` attributes for both the linear and circular * progress components. */ declare function getProgressProps(options: GetProgressPropsOptions): { bind: { "data-indeterminate": string | undefined; "aria-valuemax": number; "aria-valuemin": number; "aria-valuenow": number | undefined; "aria-valuetext": string | undefined; role: react.AriaRole; }; percent: number; value: number; }; export { GetProgressPropsOptions, getProgressProps, progress, rotate, spin, stripe };