import { PropGetter } from '@chakra-ui/react-types'; import { Modifier, VirtualElement } from '@popperjs/core'; import { PlacementWithLogical } from './popper.placement.js'; interface UsePopperProps { /** * Whether the popper.js should be enabled */ enabled?: boolean; /** * The main and cross-axis offset to displace popper element * from its reference element. */ offset?: [number, number]; /** * The distance or margin between the reference and popper. * It is used internally to create an `offset` modifier. * * NB: If you define `offset` prop, it'll override the gutter. * @default 8 */ gutter?: number; /** * If `true`, will prevent the popper from being cut off and ensure * it's visible within the boundary area. * @default true */ preventOverflow?: boolean; /** * If `true`, the popper will change its placement and flip when it's * about to overflow its boundary area. * @default true */ flip?: boolean; /** * If `true`, the popper will match the width of the reference at all times. * It's useful for `autocomplete`, `date-picker` and `select` patterns. * @default false */ matchWidth?: boolean; /** * The boundary area for the popper. Used within the `preventOverflow` modifier * @default "clippingParents" */ boundary?: "clippingParents" | "scrollParent" | HTMLElement; /** * If provided, determines whether the popper will reposition itself on `scroll` * and `resize` of the window. * @default true */ eventListeners?: boolean | { scroll?: boolean; resize?: boolean; }; /** * The padding required to prevent the arrow from * reaching the very edge of the popper. * @default 8 */ arrowPadding?: number; /** * The CSS positioning strategy to use. * @default "absolute" */ strategy?: "absolute" | "fixed"; /** * The placement of the popper relative to its reference. * @default "bottom" */ placement?: PlacementWithLogical; /** * Array of popper.js modifiers. Check the docs to see * the list of possible modifiers you can pass. * * @see Docs */ modifiers?: Array>>; /** * Theme direction `ltr` or `rtl`. Popper's placement will * be set accordingly * @default "ltr" */ direction?: "ltr" | "rtl"; } type ArrowCSSVarProps = { /** * The size of the popover arrow. * This sets the `--popper-arrow-size` css property */ size?: string | number; /** * The box-shadow color of the popover arrow. * This sets the `--popper-arrow-shadow-color` css property */ shadowColor?: string; /** * The background color of the popper arrow. * This sets the `--popper-arrow-bg` css property. */ bg?: string; }; declare function usePopper(props?: UsePopperProps): { update(): void; forceUpdate(): void; transformOrigin: string; referenceRef: (node: T | null) => void; popperRef: (node: T_1 | null) => void; getPopperProps: PropGetter; getArrowProps: PropGetter; getArrowInnerProps: PropGetter; getReferenceProps: PropGetter; }; type UsePopperReturn = ReturnType; export { ArrowCSSVarProps, UsePopperProps, UsePopperReturn, usePopper };