import * as _chakra_ui_system from '@chakra-ui/system'; import { HTMLChakraProps, ThemingProps } from '@chakra-ui/system'; interface FormLabelProps extends HTMLChakraProps<"label">, ThemingProps<"FormLabel"> { /** * @type React.ReactNode */ requiredIndicator?: React.ReactNode; /** * @type React.ReactNode */ optionalIndicator?: React.ReactNode; } /** * Used to enhance the usability of form controls. * * It is used to inform users as to what information * is requested for a form field. * * ♿️ Accessibility: Every form field should have a form label. */ declare const FormLabel: _chakra_ui_system.ComponentWithAs<"label", FormLabelProps>; interface RequiredIndicatorProps extends HTMLChakraProps<"span"> { } /** * Used to show a "required" text or an asterisks (*) to indicate that * a field is required. */ declare const RequiredIndicator: _chakra_ui_system.ComponentWithAs<"span", RequiredIndicatorProps>; export { FormLabel, FormLabelProps, RequiredIndicator, RequiredIndicatorProps };