import { PropGetter } from '@chakra-ui/react-types'; import { RefObject } from 'react'; interface FocusableElement { focus(options?: FocusOptions): void; } interface UseEditableProps { /** * The value of the Editable in both edit & preview mode */ value?: string; /** * The initial value of the Editable in both edit & preview mode */ defaultValue?: string; /** * If `true`, the Editable will be disabled. */ isDisabled?: boolean; /** * If `true`, the Editable will start with edit mode by default. */ startWithEditView?: boolean; /** * If `true`, the read only view, has a `tabIndex` set to `0` * so it can receive focus via the keyboard or click. * @default true */ isPreviewFocusable?: boolean; /** * If `true`, it'll update the value onBlur and turn off the edit mode. * @default true */ submitOnBlur?: boolean; /** * Callback invoked when user changes input. */ onChange?: (nextValue: string) => void; /** * Callback invoked when user cancels input with the `Esc` key. * It provides the last confirmed value as argument. */ onCancel?: (previousValue: string) => void; /** * Callback invoked when user confirms value with `enter` key or by blurring input. */ onSubmit?: (nextValue: string) => void; /** * Callback invoked once the user enters edit mode. */ onEdit?: () => void; /** * Callback invoked when the user either submits or cancels. * It provides the last confirmed value as argument. */ onBlur?: (nextValue: string) => void; /** * If `true`, the input's text will be highlighted on focus. * @default true */ selectAllOnFocus?: boolean; /** * The placeholder text when the value is empty. */ placeholder?: string; /** * The `ref` of element to receive focus when the modal closes. */ finalFocusRef?: RefObject; } /** * React hook for managing the inline renaming of some text. * * @see Docs */ declare function useEditable(props?: UseEditableProps): { isEditing: boolean; isDisabled: boolean | undefined; isValueEmpty: boolean; value: string; onEdit: () => void; onCancel: () => void; onSubmit: () => void; getPreviewProps: PropGetter; getInputProps: PropGetter; getTextareaProps: PropGetter; getEditButtonProps: PropGetter; getSubmitButtonProps: PropGetter; getCancelButtonProps: PropGetter; htmlProps: {}; }; type UseEditableReturn = ReturnType; export { UseEditableProps, UseEditableReturn, useEditable };