import { ColorMode, ColorModeOptions } from './color-mode-types.js'; import { StorageManager } from './storage-manager.js'; interface ColorModeProviderProps { value?: ColorMode; children?: React.ReactNode; options?: ColorModeOptions; colorModeManager?: StorageManager; } /** * Provides context for the color mode based on config in `theme` * Returns the color mode and function to toggle the color mode */ declare function ColorModeProvider(props: ColorModeProviderProps): JSX.Element; declare namespace ColorModeProvider { var displayName: string; } /** * Locks the color mode to `dark`, without any way to change it. */ declare function DarkMode(props: React.PropsWithChildren<{}>): JSX.Element; declare namespace DarkMode { var displayName: string; } /** * Locks the color mode to `light` without any way to change it. */ declare function LightMode(props: React.PropsWithChildren<{}>): JSX.Element; declare namespace LightMode { var displayName: string; } export { ColorModeProvider, ColorModeProviderProps, DarkMode, LightMode };