import * as _chakra_ui_system from '@chakra-ui/system'; import { SystemStyleObject, HTMLChakraProps, ThemingProps } from '@chakra-ui/system'; import { AvatarOptions } from './avatar-types.js'; declare const baseStyle: SystemStyleObject; interface AvatarProps extends Omit, "onError">, AvatarOptions, ThemingProps<"Avatar"> { crossOrigin?: HTMLChakraProps<"img">["crossOrigin"]; iconLabel?: string; /** * If `true`, opt out of the avatar's `fallback` logic and * renders the `img` at all times. * * @default false */ ignoreFallback?: boolean; } /** * Avatar component that renders an user avatar with * support for fallback avatar and name-only avatars */ declare const Avatar: _chakra_ui_system.ComponentWithAs<"span", AvatarProps>; export { Avatar, AvatarProps, baseStyle };