# Chainquery Chainquery serves as a platform for resolving errors encountered during your Web3 app coding. When individuals encounter obstacles without available assistance, they can turn to Chainquery for guidance. Through collaborative efforts, users not only find solutions for their own inquiries but also contribute to the resolution of others' question. Chainquery offers a platform where users can inquire, reward expertise, and earn rewards themselves. ![img](https://cdn.dorahacks.io/static/files/18ec23b1e5da0bd542cfbd1414b985f6.png) ## Vision Our vision is to empower the Web3 community by fostering a culture of bounties, knowledge-sharing, and reciprocal rewards in blockchain, Solidity, and Web3 development. ## Core Functionality *Prior to exploring the details outlined below, we recommend viewing the project video [here](https://youtu.be/wj6wcdgZ6bg?si=MHKsqUODFhjl11cW) for additional technical insights.* | Tableland | Filecoin | Fleek | |-----------|----------|-------| | Utilized for comprehensive database storage via SQL on EVM | Main contracts are deployed on Filecoin Calibration | [Deployment](https://chainquery.on-fleek.app/) of the DApp on Fleek | | Smart contracts and tables imported into Studio | Future implementation of FVM for direct storage and retrieval | Utilization of IPFS and IPNS for website storage | | Deployed on Arb Sepholia as tables are independent. For Showcase only. | Utilization of Tableland qualifies for Filecoin eligibility | Implementation of edge functions for the "Ask AI" feature | ## Features - **Bounty Rewards**: Users have the ability to create bounties for questions, incentivizing the community to provide high-quality answers. Rewards are allocated based on community votes, with question creators having the option to assign a main bounty. - **Main Prize Rewards**: The primary bounty, as previously mentioned, can be assigned by question creators to any response, and may be reclaimed if necessary. However, the presence of a Bounty Pool ensures fairness and encourages engagement. It is worth noting that questions can exist without a bounty. - **AI Integration**: Chainquery not only serves as a Q&A platform for individuals but also features an AI Bot deployed on Fleek. This AI Bot is designed to address pertinent questions efficiently, sparing users the need to search for answers through external sources. ## Upcoming Features In the near future, live meetings with mentors or tutors will be facilitated for regular question-solving sessions. Additionally, a social platform will be introduced. - [ ] Revert main bounty feature for question creators. - [ ] Implementation of a search bar to navigate within questions. - [ ] Implementation of a search bar to navigate through answers. - [ ] Introduction of a comment feature for answers. - [ ] Enablement of cross-chain transactions to streamline wallet changes. - [ ] Implementation of views and various sorting options on the homepage. > **NOTE:** Our tech stack comprises Tableland, Studio, Solidity, SQL, Fleek, Filecoin Calibration, and more.